Friday, March 19, 2010

A giant mirror and more sand

I went out to the property today, to try to finish up the second layer as far as I could. I also wanted to talk to an excavator I know, about the earth moving work that still needs to be done.

I met with the excavator and he is going to try to move the dirt away from the front of the house next week, maybe even Monday. It will be nice being able to see the front of the house.

After he left, I heard one of the locals, pounding away at a large tree on my property. I got a good look and decided to take a picture.

Someone else is building a home on my property.

I worked through the afternoon, laying more of the foam for the second layer. Mom and dad showed up, with more nails. Marcus says I am going through them like candy. Boy that would be hard on the teeth!

Dad got out his circular saw, and trimmed up the foam on the east end of the roof. Then the wind came up, and blew some of the pieces in the first layer out of place. I had uncovered them so that I had room to lay the second layer over them. Well, the damage was minimal, so we just put them back in place.

I have had a lot of trouble, getting the edges on the first layer to lay flat. I think the blue side has contracted a bit, and is causing the boards to curl their edges toward the blue side. So all those boards with the blue side up, are giving me problems. I decided on the second layer to just put all of them on, with the silver side up. This way the curling is toward the bottom, and doesn't make the edges stick up. The down side to this, is that it is like working on a very large mirror. When the sun is out, you cook! That has worked quite well overall, and later this afternoon, I got the second layer to the point where we have to finish the first layer before I can lay any more.

Looking over things, I am running out of pallets to use as weight, but we are not ready to put the tarps on yet. So more bags of sand were required. My brother had come out to the property, so we invited him to get in a good bit of exercise, and help us put more bags onto the roof. We ran to the local Lowe's and they had the bags that I had wanted to get originally. These are called sand tubes, and are each 60 pounds. We loaded 12 into the back of the truck, and headed back while the sun was sinking fast. We decided that none of us was crazy enough to try to get these up the makeshift ladder. We re-commissioned the ladder as support under a walking plank. Then I drove the truck around to where it was more convenient to unload the bags.

Dad taking things off the roof after we got the bags on.

Now things are fairly well weighted down around the edges, and hopefully will stay put.

Silver side up, as the sky darkens, looks blue. The second layer still needs strips laid down along the west edge.

View along the front, where we still need to finish the first, and second layers.

A lot of foam, and a lot of nails. Tomorrow, we try to finish before the rain moves in again.

Tomorrow will hopefully the last work for the roof, until we are ready to put the waterproofing in place.

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